A Client Case Study

Dr. John’s framework for greater success and happiness at work and at home – The 4 Pillars of Relationships:

  1. Relationship to Self
  2. Relationship to Others
  3. Relationship to Work
  4. Relationship to Something Larger Than Self

“I live in a prison. I am a slave to my family and my work.”

Client of Dr. John’s during his initial session

Let me share a case study with you to give you a clear idea of what this means. Note: This is a mash-up of several clients and the name has been changed to maintain anonymity.

A former client of mine, “Bob Inglewood,” came to me and said, “I live in a prison. I am a slave to my family and my work.” Bob is 51 years old, married with two sons — one in college and one in high school. At our first meeting, it was clear he had lost his passion for life. When I spoke to him about a positive future, he didn’t have one. He was simply going through the motions — irritable and resigned. Bob and his wife bickered frequently. She was “not attracted” to him anymore. At work, he was successful and knew what was expected of him. Although, at this point in his career, he was more feared than respected by his coworkers. At home, he was in the way, struggled with communication, suffocating in his marriage, and losing the respect of his sons.

For Bob, it was easier to stay at work, than to come home and be with his wife. “I know what’s expected of me at work. It’s clear. When I come home, I’m in for a ration of shit. And I just sort of stopped wanting to be alone with my wife because every time we’re alone, it ends up in an argument.”

Bob continued, “Years of burying myself in my work have led me to become disconnected from my wife. On a good day, we are polite to one another. I sacrificed everything to provide for my family. Now I’m losing them because of my sacrifice. What do I do? It’s been a long slow process of bloodletting — drip, drip, drip. My life is so normal now, and, by that, I mean f*cking boring. How did we wind up here? If you looked at us, THEN, and look at us now,….sheesh! When we first started dating, we’d never scream at each other. We had sex all the time. We never went days without speaking. We weren’t this pissed off and hurt. Now we just get on each other’s nerves…all the time. We have become so hardened with petty hurts and slights and exhaustion that we just don’t fit together anymore. What should I do?”

“I’m lonely, even when my wife is around. I’m sad and lonely if I’m being honest. I want to feel loved, appreciated, admired. I miss my wife — the way it used to be.”

“Bob Inglewood”

Marriages don’t typically end due to one large transgression, like an affair. Marriages die due to thousands of tiny paper cuts — a long, slow process of disappointments, resignations, grudges, annoyances, and hurts – drip, drip, drip. This emotional bloodletting caused Bob to turn away from his spouse instead of towards her, and she did the same. As the paper cuts accumulate, they lead to stonewalling, contempt and criticism. They lead to a dynamic in which there is no room for course correction. Despite their love for one another, the smallest hurt now leads to angry withdrawal. They give up out of self-protection, and resignation. They stop trying to connect because they anticipate rejection — and it became too painful to even try. So, no issue ever gets resolved or improved. Their dance of numb survival continues.

“Years of burying myself in my work have led me to become disconnected from my wife. I sacrificed everything to provide for my family. Now I’m losing them because of my sacrifice.”

Client of Dr. John’s

The hurt and anger followed Bob when he went to work. It came out as irritation and impatience with those he managed. It slowly eroded his social capital within his firm. He lost trust. He began to manage out of fear and intimidation. And his employees began to leave his company, because, employees don’t leave companies, they leave supervisors.

This is where Bob was at when I met him. Over the course of two months, I taught Bob scientifically proven tools to improve his relationships with himself, his wife, his sons, and his employees. Below is the framework which I use to guide our work. In the three columns, there is past, present and future. This simple framework adds a row of positive and negative to each of them. For a more detailed break down of the areas and skills, read on below.

Introductory Framework For Relationship to Self

“The first step is awareness of where your mind is trying to go with you. Without awareness, you are at the mercy of false thoughts, destructive core beliefs and emotionally fueled interpretations.”

-Dr. John

1. Negative Past – The more we dwell in past negative events, the more we succumb to depressive moods. Minimize time spent stewing over past mistakes and the injustices done to you to allow yourself more time and energy focusing on the present and future.

2. Negative Present – This is defined as a pessimistic interpretation of your current situation. Pessimism is closely linked to depression and anxiety. What’s more, successful businesspeople are most often optimists (the exception, of course, is attorneys where the most pessimistic are the most successful).

3. Negative Future – This is the area of stress, worry, anxiety and dread. Studies show that 85% of our worries have far more positive outcomes than we anticipate. Worry is a misuse of imagination. Train your mind to spend less time here with Dr. John.

4. Positive Past – Train your mind to focus on your highlight reel for a helpful mood and energy boost – when you need it.

5. Positive Present – This is defined as the learnable skill of realistic optimism – a hallmark of happy, fulfilled, successful people.

6. Positive Future – The real magic starts and ends here – with the Best Future You exercise. What you can dream, you can achieve.

Bob’s Outcome?

Over the course of two months, Bob learned how to motivate others positively rather than negatively. He learned how to master his own mind — thoughts and emotions. We developed a plan for a positive future so he had goals and a vision to look forward to — both personally and professionally. He learned about forgiveness as the way to let go of past hurts and disappointments. He learned about passion, positive emotions, and awareness. He became more realistically optimistic, and as a result less pessimistic, depressive and irritable. Now he no longer is at the mercy of his irritability, stress, or anxiety. He is happier at home and at work. He enjoys life again. He is confident and content.

What will YOUR outcome be?

"Thank you for such a wonderful experience. I truly enjoyed working with you. You helped me to learn about myself and strengths as well as reinforce the beliefs that were inside me all along. My mother and husband have seen a tremendous change in me - a good change. I can feel it myself as well. It feels good to simply be who I am. Although it is always a work in progress, it is much more enjoyable when you realize there is a big picture that we cannot see when we are in the throes of the turmoil of our day-to-day life. It is truly amazing when you get to your goals and look back and think 'Who would have thought it would bring me here?!' Thank you for your help, care and concern for me. Thank you for showing me -- ME!"

Nicole S., VP at Fortune 500 Company

Guide to Self

Nicole S., VP at Fortune 500 Company

"Thank you for such a wonderful experience. I truly enjoyed working with you. You helped me to learn about myself and strengths as well as reinforce the beliefs that were inside me all along. My mother and husband have seen a tremendous change in me - a good change. I can feel it myself as well. It feels good to simply be who I am. Although it is always a work in progress, it is much more enjoyable when you realize there is a big picture that we cannot see when we are in the throes of the turmoil of our day-to-day life. It is truly amazing when you get to your goals and look back and think 'Who would have thought it would bring me here?!' Thank you for your help, care and concern for me. Thank you for showing me -- ME!"
"Dr. John helped me to be less irritable at work (and at home!). This made my employees calmer and more productive."

Brett D., Sr. VP at Fortune 100 Company

Guide to Self

Brett D., Sr. VP at Fortune 100 Company

"Dr. John helped me to be less irritable at work (and at home!). This made my employees calmer and more productive."
Dear John:
Sometimes in our life, we notice that we were suffering from a degree of blindness that was affecting our relationships with others at work and at home. As we recognize our blindness, we reach out to the master and he helps tremendously. You are that master. Thank you for the work you do.

Stanford University, Department Head

Guide to Self

Stanford University, Department Head

Dear John: Sometimes in our life, we notice that we were suffering from a degree of blindness that was affecting our relationships with others at work and at home. As we recognize our blindness, we reach out to the master and he helps tremendously. You are that master. Thank you for the work you do.
"Thank you for sharing your gifts with such clarity and compassion. You have helped start me on a new course in my life - one of passion and purpose!"

Monica P., Sr. Manager, Fortune 500 Firm

Guide to Self

Monica P., Sr. Manager, Fortune 500 Firm

"Thank you for sharing your gifts with such clarity and compassion. You have helped start me on a new course in my life - one of passion and purpose!"
"Dear Dr. John, Sometimes in life we notice that we are suffering from a degree of color blindness that is affecting our relationship with our spouse and with others. As we recognize our blindness, we reached out to the master and he helped us both tremendously. You are the master! Love and thanks to you!"

A Department Head from a Top 5 University

Guide to Self

A Department Head from a Top 5 University

"Dear Dr. John, Sometimes in life we notice that we are suffering from a degree of color blindness that is affecting our relationship with our spouse and with others. As we recognize our blindness, we reached out to the master and he helped us both tremendously. You are the master! Love and thanks to you!"
"I look at your coaching as advanced training for the art of living. And with your guidance, I am now an expert who continues to learn daily! You have my eternal thanks."

Don S., Sales VP at Fortune 250 Firm

Guide to Self

Don S., Sales VP at Fortune 250 Firm

"I look at your coaching as advanced training for the art of living. And with your guidance, I am now an expert who continues to learn daily! You have my eternal thanks."
"I was stuck in a job I hated when I first started my coaching with Dr. John. Now I'm in a position that I am passionate about! I love getting up in the morning. I love going to work. Thank you so much. My life has been transformed."

Jody C.

Guide to Self

Jody C.

"I was stuck in a job I hated when I first started my coaching with Dr. John. Now I'm in a position that I am passionate about! I love getting up in the morning. I love going to work. Thank you so much. My life has been transformed."
"Dear Dr. John, I wanted to let you know that after my meeting with you, I feel I've reacted less and been much kinder towards my husband. I attribute that to your insight and perspective. Have you considered leading a workshop for women? I know too many women at a similar crossroad. And I would guess the ones who appear happy are more stuck economically. I'm impressed that I could react differently in my relationship of 30+ years after my 1-hour meeting with you. You could positively impact a lot of relationships in a short amount of time."

Satisfied Wife of Fortune 100 Executive

Guide to Self

Satisfied Wife of Fortune 100 Executive

"Dear Dr. John, I wanted to let you know that after my meeting with you, I feel I've reacted less and been much kinder towards my husband. I attribute that to your insight and perspective. Have you considered leading a workshop for women? I know too many women at a similar crossroad. And I would guess the ones who appear happy are more stuck economically. I'm impressed that I could react differently in my relationship of 30+ years after my 1-hour meeting with you. You could positively impact a lot of relationships in a short amount of time."
"I am so grateful that you are in my life as a counsel to me. I also want you to know how much I appreciate your willingness to be a bold man so as to reach out to my husband.  For the first time last evening, my husband honestly shared with me his concern about his ability to think well.  We discussed the possibility that it is depression. Whatever you are doing, keep it up because it seems that you are reaching him.  Even our pastors couldn't seem to do that. You are a blessing."

Katie M., Owner of an Auto Body Chain

Guide to Self

Katie M., Owner of an Auto Body Chain

"I am so grateful that you are in my life as a counsel to me. I also want you to know how much I appreciate your willingness to be a bold man so as to reach out to my husband.  For the first time last evening, my husband honestly shared with me his concern about his ability to think well.  We discussed the possibility that it is depression. Whatever you are doing, keep it up because it seems that you are reaching him.  Even our pastors couldn't seem to do that. You are a blessing."
“When I came to Dr. John, I was anxious and stressed. All I was doing was going to work and going home. I found joy in neither. Dr. John taught me about attention, awareness, happiness, and so much more. I no longer feel like I am slogging through my life. I have found my passion.”

Joe M., CFO

Guide to Self

Joe M., CFO

“When I came to Dr. John, I was anxious and stressed. All I was doing was going to work and going home. I found joy in neither. Dr. John taught me about attention, awareness, happiness, and so much more. I no longer feel like I am slogging through my life. I have found my passion.”
If you commit to the exercises in this course, I know you will be emotionally healed. It takes time and commitment, but it's worth it. I started it several months ago, let it go during the Shelter in Place and today as I returned to Chapter 8 (almost finished), I read over my notes and realized Dr. John's anger management course has really changed me. So grateful for it. Sharon
Guide to Self
If you commit to the exercises in this course, I know you will be emotionally healed. It takes time and commitment, but it's worth it.
"Dr. John helped me to escape the prison that was my work and my home. Now I have a positive future. I am excited about life again."

Thomas S., Engineer

Guide to Self

Thomas S., Engineer

"Dr. John helped me to escape the prison that was my work and my home. Now I have a positive future. I am excited about life again."
"Dr. John, I would like to personally thank you for all that you have and are doing to help my brother and his family. May God bless you and your family."

Betsy C.

Guide to Self

Betsy C.

"Dr. John, I would like to personally thank you for all that you have and are doing to help my brother and his family. May God bless you and your family."
Guide to Self