Holding On To Hope In The Age of Coronavirus

Holding On To Hope In The Age of Coronavirus

By Dr. John Schinnerer The opposite of depression isn’t happiness. It is hope. So how do we nourish hope in these trying times of COVID-19 and shelter in place orders? One of the best things about the mind is the ability to look towards a positive future. However,...
Want More Happiness? Learn to Think Less! 

Want More Happiness? Learn to Think Less! 

Dr. John Schinnerer GuideToSelf.com. WebAngerManagement.com My parents were really big on academics. I learned to do well in school as a child in an attempt to make my parents proud. Along the way, I learned to think.  I became very good at thinking. By the 7th grade,...

Manage Your Anger with Mindfulness

Manage Your Anger with Mindfulness Anger is a normal, human feeling. Anger, in and of itself, is not destructive. Anger serves us. It demands our attention when our health is in danger, when a boundary has been crossed, or when someone takes advantage of us....

Angry employees more likely to behave unethically and hurt bottom line

Most people would agree angry employees are bad for business. But why? A new study from UA’s Eller College of Management reports that angry workers are more likely to behave unethically more often. While guilty workers tend to act more ethically. So when hiring...

How Can I Get Rid of Anxiety? Proven Tools to Help Anxiety. Video 4

How Can I Get Rid of Anxiety? In this new video by emotion expert, Dr. John Schinnerer, covers 2 scientifically proven tools to help you master anxiety.  Learn more in this video. This is part 4 of 4 in a brand new video series. Stay tuned for other videos focusing on...