On Becoming A Happy AND Successful Man

Dr. John Schinnerer Executive Summary: A recent study (The Harry’s Masculinity Report, USA) looked at which factors are the most important for wellbeing and happiness for American men. Answers from 5,000 men indicate that happiness is predicated on the following (in...
How to Empty Your Backpack of Anger

How to Empty Your Backpack of Anger

I got an email today from a woman whose husband is estranged from their daughter. The daughter is demanding that he take anger management classes before he can see the grandchildren. Here is part of my response… Thank you for sharing your story with me. I know how...

An Easy & Powerful Tool to Improve Your Marriage

Here is a simple and effective tool to jump your marriage to the next level. I see numerous men in my coaching practice who have made ridiculous sums of money and are miserable because their home life is unhappy. I coach men to perform at their peak from the boardroom...

8 Surprising Books That Will Help You Win at The Game of Life

I love to read. I read – a lot. As a result, many people ask me “What should I read?” And, truly, it’s a tough question. Where are you at now? Where would you like to go? What are you trying to accomplish? Become happier? Build a business?...