How to Empty Your Backpack of Anger

How to Empty Your Backpack of Anger

I got an email today from a woman whose husband is estranged from their daughter. The daughter is demanding that he take anger management classes before he can see the grandchildren. Here is part of my response… Thank you for sharing your story with me. I know how...
An Easy and Powerful Tool to Save Your Marriage (No BS!)

An Easy and Powerful Tool to Save Your Marriage (No BS!)

Dr. John Schinnerer What if I were to tell you there are secrets, scientifically proven tools, that will help strengthen your marriage? Would you be interested? As it happens, there are proven tools that you can learn to improve your marriage. And this same tool, that...
Want More Happiness? Learn to Think Less! 

Want More Happiness? Learn to Think Less! 

Dr. John Schinnerer My parents were really big on academics. I learned to do well in school as a child in an attempt to make my parents proud. Along the way, I learned to think.  I became very good at thinking. By the 7th grade,...