The 3 Best Tools to Reduce Anger in Marriage

For your ongoing learning, here is a brief video we just finished up with three tips on managing anger in marriage. For more powerful tools on managing anger in your relationships, please visit our High Performer shop with a variety of online classes, books and talks...
Top 3 Ways to Handle Anger in a Relationship

Top 3 Ways to Handle Anger in a Relationship

By Dr. John Schinnerer Guide To  How do you best deal with your anger? And what happens when those methods don’t work? Some of the traditional tools for processing anger include exercise, yoga, mindfulness or breathing deeply. These are classic tools to deal...
Want More Happiness? Learn to Think Less! 

Want More Happiness? Learn to Think Less! 

Dr. John Schinnerer My parents were really big on academics. I learned to do well in school as a child in an attempt to make my parents proud. Along the way, I learned to think.  I became very good at thinking. By the 7th grade,...