Holding On To Hope In The Age of Coronavirus

Holding On To Hope In The Age of Coronavirus

By Dr. John Schinnerer The opposite of depression isn’t happiness. It is hope. So how do we nourish hope in these trying times of COVID-19 and shelter in place orders? One of the best things about the mind is the ability to look towards a positive future. However,...

Dr. John Schinnerer Voted Best Executive Coach for 2020!

Dr. John Schinnerer (Guide To Self) was recently voted Best Executive Coach in Danville for 2020. Thank you so much for your continued support and encouragement. Please listen to Dr. John’s new podcast, The Evolved Caveman, found on every podcasting platform...

On Becoming A Happy AND Successful Man

Dr. John Schinnerer Executive Summary: A recent study (The Harry’s Masculinity Report, USA) looked at which factors are the most important for wellbeing and happiness for American men. Answers from 5,000 men indicate that happiness is predicated on the following (in...